60-Minute - 1:1 Session || VIA Zoom or Phone or WhatsApp. - 100€
Are you ready for the next level of your life..? Changing your life is not easy, but not impossible.
3 Month - Personal Transformation Program - 1150 €
6 - 60-Minute - 1:1 Session - 2 per month
Text and call support - 24 hour response time.
Are you ready for the next level of your life..?
Have Kate help guide you through the process of personal transformation.
3 Month - INTENSIVE Transformation Program - 2050 €
12 - 60-Minute - 1:1 Session (4 per month)
Text and call support - 24 hour response time.
Really ready to put in some work?
My INTENSIVE program provides more frequent sessions and allows you the ability to really move mountains in your goals and growth.